Jan 26, 2023
Whether or not you're ready for tax season, thieves and imposters are already geared up.
The act of tax identity theft involves a person filing a false tax return and receiving your refund using your Social Security number. You might only realize it has happened once you try to file your actual tax return and the IRS rejects it as duplicate.
In another tax scam, imposters pretend to be IRS officials and claim you owe taxes. They demand payment immediately, usually with a gift card or prepaid debit card, and threaten arrest or other consequences. It is all a lie, and once you send money, it is gone.
Here are some ways to combat tax identity theft right now:
- Keep your personal information, especially your Social Security Number, secure throughout the year
- File your tax return as early as possible during tax season
- Use a secure connection when filing electronically or mail your tax return directly from the post office
- Research a tax preparer thoroughly before providing them with any information
- Check your credit report at least once a year to ensure no one has opened a new account in your name
You can find more Federal Trade Commission resources and webinars at bit.ly/ftctaxid to protect you and your business from tax identity theft, recognize fraud and take action if you are a victim.